Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What is perfect anyways?

Dave and I have been married for something to the tune of 8 months, and we have been together for just over 4 years. Obviously I am not anywhere near far enough into my marriage to give my advice or opinions, but...I do anyways...

It seems that lately there have been lots of relationship troubles all around me. Anything from constant bickering to money problems to really immature behavior. At first I found myself wondering when this will happen to Dave and I, when will we be tested, when will we have to fight for each other. Then I realized...that is exactly it, we fight FOR each other instead of with each other. We are tested daily as a couple, with long work hours, demanding jobs, a bad economy,and numerous other issues. If we did not fight for each other we would have lost each other a long time ago. When we disagree we say it right then, we tell each other if we are angry...and we get over it. My sister and I often talk about these things, she has a wonderful marriage and we really never talk about "what's wrong" buth rather, how we habdle things in our marriage's. We both feel strongly about not holding on to anger, and to not bring up past issues during an argument, don't hold grudges against the one you love!

Anyways, everything I am thinking can be summed up pretty easily...go, hold on to the one you love and fight FOR each other.

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