Wednesday, June 9, 2010

"You're Crazy!"

Well at least that seems to be the resounding cry that I get whenever I answer questions about the fact that we plan to cloth diaper, labor naturally (fingers crossed) and make baby food. I guess I don't get it, maybe don't ask if you don't want my answer? I am not walking around proclaiming these plans, but when someone asks me about it, I am certainly not going to lie to make you more comfortable! I would never say "our way is better" heck, I am not even a mom yet! We are just making plans for what we are most comfortable with and what we think will work in our lives. A blog I read ALL the time is making the switch to Cloth and of course is having plenty of people tell her she is crazy, so I guess it inspired me to talk about this subject as well. ANYWAYS! About that cloth diaper thing, can I even just tell you HOW excited I am to be doing this? I LOVE them, and I think many have a serious misconception of what a cloth diaper even is or how it works (the new ones). We are not talking about difficult folding and giant pins getting precariously close to a wriggly baby, it is just some snaps or a couple pieces of hefty Velcro. Look:
(photo from the website)


Normal looking right? See I told ya! Anyways, I am lucky to have a husband who is on board, and my father-in-law will be watching Jax during the day when we are at work and has agreed to do these as well. I cannot wait until my little fluff butt is here!

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