Monday, March 29, 2010

18 weeks...holy cow!

Okay, this week, I promise there will be a picture of the belly. PROMISE.

•How far along?: 18 weeks!

•How big is baby?: Around 6 inches....and a half pound! About the size of a large Mango!

•Maternity clothes?: Yep!

•Stretch marks?: Yes. And they are still angry looking. And yes I use cream, but the stretch marks laugh at my cream I think.

•Sleep?: Eh! Some nights I get a really great night of sleep and others I think I am up at least 10 times!

•Best moment this week?: My doctors appointment last friday hearing that beautiful lub-dub on the doppler!

•Movement?: Still flutters and what I call "whooshes" Still waiting for that big kick!

•Food cravings?: No real cravings to speak of, just hungry All. The. Time.

•Labor signs?: Nope!

•Belly button in or out?: Innie. However it seems as though it is getting more and more shallow...hmmmm

•What I miss: Being able to walk to the mailbox without feeling winded...for real.

•What I'm looking forward to: Finding out the sex a week from today!!!

•Milestone: I feel like our milestone this week is getting our birth plan firmed up. It feels good to have a better idea on what our plans are!

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